The development and evolution of iron and steel industry, after years of accumulation, in today's national economy, occupies a very important position. Since the reform and development, the achievements of China's iron and steel industry have attracted worldwide attention. As a major steel country, our production and usage is far ahead, ranking the first in the world.

       Up to now, we have not only ocean-going giant ships sailing the wind and waves, but also can build huge steel structure buildings. The application field of steel has been infinitely expanded, and the limit is constantly being refreshed. Today, let's go to have a deep understanding of these steel pipe builders who are constantly committed to the application of steel and play to the extreme.

Daqiuzhuang, Tianjin,  is  famous for  its  industry and was once honored as the "No.1 Village in China" by the people. However, it has a very strong steel pipe manufacturing industry chain and regional resource advantages on this land which covers an  area of only 119 square kilometers. Here, we find a high-frequency welded square tube as the core of the private enterprise, Tianjin YuantaiDerun, since its establishment in 2002, they have undergone ups and downs, continuous innovation, breakthrough technical barriers, and gradually realized from scratch, from zero to one of the beautiful transformation.

    “Tianjin YuantaiDerun embellish group, founded in 2002, since its founding has been insist to do steel tube of the rectangular tube structure, since so many years, our party rectangular tubes from small furniture, use the door window, slowly do engineering machinery, equipment manufacturing, the main framework, up to now we developing the steel structure building, especially in recent years, pushing the prefabricated steel structure residential building,In the whole steel structure system, there are more applications for this industry to open a new market space. Then we launched in 2018 established the torque tube industry development and cooperation innovation alliance, behind we also invited by tianjin university, Beijing university of architecture and so on some of the colleges and universities, and some scientific research institutions, together to come in to the platform and make the industry chain, to do the production, study and research, with a joint, from two aspects of the standardization and intelligent manufacturing,Bring something new to the industry”.

—— Tianjin YuantaiDerun Steel Pipe Manufacturing Group Co., LTD


     In the Yuantai concept, to be strong and big, you need to be altruistic. In 2008, a financial crisis swept the world, and the steel market demand shrank sharply, which brought a severe test to the steel industry. At that time, YuantaiDerun is still in the development stage, the scale is not very big, the capital is relatively tight, but at this time, in daqiu zhuang, a square tube enterprises, because of the difficulties, hope to get a sum of working capital from them。

    “In my opinion, if we help others, we are actually helping ourselves. In this way, our industry is more diversified. For the following users, one-stop shopping can greatly save their procurement costs, and in fact, we are creating some incremental value space for the society. At the time of this economic condition is not very good, there are some processing enterprise, or a small tube mill, so they met with difficulties, find us, then we in hard times, also can to help them as much as you can, help the firms through the situation and their development is also very good, now just because of these processing enterprises, the small tube factory,Their existence, we have these companies do big capital”.

                                                                                  —— Tianjin YuantaiDerun Steel Pipe Manufacturing Group Co., LTD

      Seventeen years ago, square rectangular steel pipe in the market is not mature, the technology is almost blank, many people have not even heard of, what is square rectangular pipe? But the persistent yuantai people did not compromise, in the doubt and rejection again and again, adhere to their beliefs, iron will, let them gradually become the domestic square tube industry leading enterprises, market share of more than 20%

It has been 14 years since I came to Yuantai and I have been engaged in production management.To date, we have zero negative reviews, which to me is an achievement and a spur. As of 2011, we have been able to produce 500mm generous tube, which is second to none in our industry. I firmly believe that only through continuous learning, accumulation and precipitation, can we promote our products and our technology to a higher high-end”.

-- Zhang Jinhai, head of Tianjin yuantaiderun workshop



     If the focus and persistence can be refined quality, then pioneering and innovation, is the soul to promote the development and progress of the enterprise. We are well aware that technological innovation and breakthrough are by no means easy and simple to say. If we want to succeed, we must first work hard on our mind and skin. However, yuantai people with firm faith have never stopped the pace of exploration in the field of technology research and application.

     “By the end of last year, we had applied for 43 patents. So far this year, we have also applied for 18 patents, including two invention patents and 16 applied patents. Only through continuous transformation of products, equipment transformation, so as to reduce the labor intensity of workers, reduce labor costs, keep up with the pace of The Times, all our energy and our wisdom, to contribute to the society”

—Huang Yalian, director of r&d Department, Tianjin YuantaiDerun Steel Pipe Manufacturing Group Co., LTD

       Century Yuantai, DeRun people’s heart. Under the call of the original aspiration, YuantaiDerun closely around the concept of innovation, coordination, green, open and shared development, bursting out infinite vitality, creating one industry miracle after another.Leading technical strength and strong production guarantee make them the only supplier of hot dip galvanized square pipe for Egypt's million feidan land improvement project. Its products have been widely used in a series of key projects such as The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the National Stadium, the National Center for the Performing Arts and so on, and have won unanimous praise.

     “Now we feel that we have indeed entered a new era, a new era in which The Chinese economy is moving from high speed, high quantity, large scale to this high quality. We pipe industry, it also faces such a transformation, we from the original brand leader, leading to industry, standardize the deepened reform in this country, we take the market segment industry for application as a starting point, we did a series of group standard, like this, makes up for the national standard of a blank, is deeply welcomed by downstream users. Our investment in technology and pay attention to, are more higher than ever before, in the strength of the more big, so we think the high quality development, we must catch up with the pace of The Times, so in the steel industry as a leader, so we want to play a model leading role, at the same time need to attract the attention of society, put some social some good tools, good idea,Good management ideas, and more importantly, good talents, can attract our management industry. In this way, I think our future will be better and we can go further”

-- Tianjin YuantaiDerun Steel Pipe Manufacturing Group Co., LTD

       In the past 17 years, we have never forgotten our original aspiration. We are honest, enterprising, innovative and dedicated, and we are committed to making the world fall in love with Chinese products. The pure and simple yuantai spirit has injected the temperature of dream into the cold steel. Constantly heating up in a grinding, and finally with gorgeous posture, blooming at the top of the world industry.

      Sharp edge of a sword comes out from grinding, and plum blossom's fragrance comes from the bitter cold. Standing at a new historical starting point, yuantai people with dreams are expressing their artisan feelings with actions and beliefs. Behind each achievement, is the unknown dedication;

      Every innovation is full of bitterness and suffering, but they will only be more and more brave, this is the supreme craftsman spirit.